Somfy operates in 59 countries and is the world leader in automatic controls for openings and closures in homes and buildings. It offers a range of motorized solutions and control points and is a key player in smart home systems.
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Learn, question yourself, be agile, and talk with your manager regularly: SOMFY is a learning company where everyone has the cards in hand to grow. The objective is to maintain the employee's employability throughout their professional life.
Develop in 70/20/10 mode.
SOMFY allows its employees to manage their careers through training, internal mobility, and regular meetings with their managers. To develop their skills, the Group applies the 70/20/10 model with a three-part learning process: 70% situational exercises, 20% social interactions and peer discussions, and 10% traditional training. In addition to regular manager feedback, the HR cycle includes an annual individual development interview for training needs. Employees express their wishes during the meeting, and an action plan is implemented. It can consist of coaching, working in pairs, or following internal or external training. Internally, the training offer is accessible via the SOMFY Campus interactive platform. This open space offers everyone a panel of content selected by the business managers and organized into cross-disciplinary and business academies.
SOMFY Campus: Successful take-off
With 15,000 visitors since the platform’s launch in June 2022, 3,200 activated licenses, and 113,000 videos watched, SOMFY Campus has quickly found its audience. It is organized into nine transversal academies and 14 academies of excellence, which evolve in line with the need for skills. The upcoming launch of the “Modern Workplace”, “Data”, and “Diversity and Inclusion” academies are a great example. These academies offer specific SOMFY training modules enriched by acquiring LinkedIn Learning licenses to build a library of off-the-shelf training content anyone can access. The 14 Excellence Academies offer development paths with professionalization programs customized by trade. Each one is led by an Excellence Owner who formalizes and grows the learning roadmap of their trade to guarantee its excellence. Because they are open to everyone, these modules contribute to team skills development and the seamless onboarding of other collaborators.
Skill, a matter of excellence
They are responsible for excellence in their business, in Purchasing and Project Management. Gwenaëlle Benoit-Ossart and Romain Pellet-Gallay tell us about their job.
What's your job in a nutshell?
I aim to ensure the skills, processes, and tools implemented within the Purchasing community are state-of-the-art. To achieve this, we are working on a continuous improvement approach using, in particular, the power and efficiency of digital.
My assignments are based on three axes. The first defines the project manager's target profile by working on the skills of those who hold positions and what we are looking for in recruitment. The second creates and leads a community of project managers to harmonize best practices and work collectively on business standards. Finally, we ensure that our teams' skills are enhanced through coaching and training to increase efficiency and contribute to sustainable employability.
What qualities do you need to develop for this job?
You need to have a long-term vision of the trade and a very in-depth understanding of what's happening in the field to find their solution alongside the teams.
My job requires a lot of upstream project experience to be relevant in my analysis and support and to be legitimate with the teams. It is also essential to communicate transversally with all entities and vertically to capture the needs of the field and get management to validate them.
What aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?
Creating value is particularly rewarding when the purchasing function is becoming stronger. Today, we aim for excellence embodied personally by each person, a movement accelerating with the integration of new digital tools and the use of data. Helping to improve the buyer experience for the benefit of the group and supplier ecosystem is exciting.
I find it particularly stimulating to have a broad vision and impact on the Group’s entire project system. My job also allows me to invest time in market intelligence, project management trends, and exchanges with my peers from other companies. For example, we brainstorm and investigate AGILE methods and their applications in other sectors.
What brings you the most pride?
We have designed an in-house “onboarding” training module. The 10 sessions allowed us to share our vision and beliefs about purchasing and experience real-life situations. In six months, 133 employees of several nationalities were trained with a satisfaction rate exceeding 80%. It’s highly satisfying to have set the Purchasing department in motion by giving meaning to what we do and seeing our teams’ alignment and commitment.
Faced with the global shortage of components, we challenged our project organization to modify our product design in record time. This was possible thanks to close collaboration between the Purchasing, Technical, and Supply Chain teams and working differently with our suppliers. This experience was a real accelerated laboratory to make our project management more efficient and set the standard in project management best practices.
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