Our suppliers are key partners of our ecosystem

Within SOMFY Group, we want to act positively on the ecosystem and we strongly believe that we have a responsibility on its future.  Building long term relationships with Suppliers is a way to have a positive impact and foster resilience of the whole ecosystem.

  • With our partners, we build long term relationships that benefit to all. We act long term.
  • Together, we drive our operations to deliver the expected performance and level of resilience.
  • With our suppliers, we collaborate to go beyond towards excellence.
  • We enrich SOMFY products and services roadmap with the innovation coming or co build with our partners.
  • Together, we deliver the best compromise for sustainability.


The baseline of our relationships

For a long time SOMFY has been developing balanced and long-term relationships with its Suppliers. In doing so, it is essential to set high standards of ethical conduct.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct embodies our core values and clearly sets out our expectations for our business partners. It is also fully consistent with the principles we apply to the rest of the value chain.

SOMFY Group Code of Conduct for Suppliers


The way we work with our partners

For products and tools, the Supplier Relationship Management Agreement describes SOMFY rules and requirements in terms of Supplier Relationship Management. This agreement is fully part of the General Purchasing Terms and Conditions.

Supplier Relationship Management Agreement


Our General Purchasing Terms and Conditions

General Purchasing Terms and Conditions - English version

Conditions Générales d'Achat - Version française



Ethics is a cross-company axis of our CSR policy. Since 2015, the Group has specifically rolled out an Ethics Charter and all employees have been made aware of its contents and trained in ethical concepts by their managers.

With its continued growth, the Group enjoys [...] great visibility in many countries and in increasingly diverse markets. Our position as leader in several of our industries and our ambition for tomorrow involve increased responsibilities that we wish to assume. In fact, the success of our business will only endure if we clearly assert our requirements as an ethical and responsible business.

The Group therefore wants to maintain the requirement for exemplary behaviour on a day-to-day basis. As such, the Ethics Charter is intended to serve as a point of reference in terms of individual and collective behaviour and will guide our day-to-day activities enabling us to embody our values. It is a common and unifying document, which guides us in our decision-making; a tool for the promotion of dialogue between employees so that ethics is an open matter understood by all. Somfy and its employees particularly seek to respect the regulations of the countries in which it operates in relation to organisation of work, whilst subscribing to the principles and objectives of the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and by aiming to adopt the practices of a responsible and management respectful of everyone. A role of the network of HR Officers is to ensure the respect of Human Rights, particularly examining within their scope rights and concerns relating to racial discrimination, torture, enforced disappearances, disabled people and the rights of women, children, migrants, minorities and indigenous peoples.

This is reflected in a commitment to:

  • respect differences, improve diversity and reject discrimination;
  • reject any kind of harassment, notably mental and sexual;
  • ensure the health, safety and decent working conditions for the company’s employees and partners;
  • seek to develop the skills and employability of staff and their professional development;
  • reject any kind of illegal child labour and the use of forced labour;
  • guarantee constructive social dialogue;
  • reject any kind of corruption, whether active or passive.

In addition to this Ethics Charter and following the enactment of the law on transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernisation of the economy(2), Somfy has chosen to adopt the Middlenext Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is designed to guide business behaviour. The Group has decided to supplement it with several appendices in order to provide practical advice, examples and links to other procedures. In addition to these documents, e-learning materials are currently being rolled out and face-to-face training has also been introduced for those employees expected to be the most exposed. The Whistleblowing procedure introduced in 2015 to escalate non-ethical behaviours was extended to meet the requirements of the French “Sapin 2” anticorruption legislation. Accounting controls were also implemented to detect potential fraudulence. The entire anti-bribery program and its governance is described in the Group's Anti-Bribery Policy.

The SOMFY group has adopted the Middlenext "anti-corruption" code of conduct.

Business integrity is part of the Group's good reputation, and the Group attaches the greatest importance to acting in an irreproachable manner with its stakeholders.

The Code of Conduct is designed to guide business behaviour and provide practical advice, examples and links to other useful information.

  • It is intended for all employees, members of the executive and management committees and corporate officers of the Group.
  • It sets out the principles that employees must respect in their professional activities. It complements the rules, procedures and standards defined in each country to which employees must continue to refer.
  • All persons acting on behalf of the group are required to comply with this code of conduct, regardless of the location and nature of their work.
  • The group ensures that its partners share the same values.

The detailed code describes the basic rules with regard to the following subjects in particular:

  • Gifts, signs of courtesy and hospitality, entertainment
  • Specific rules for public officials
  • Donations to charitable or political organizations
  • Patronage, sponsorship
  • Facilitation payments
  • Commitment to monitor third parties.

However, no single document can deal with and anticipate all cases of corruption that may occur in the daily activities of the group's employees. This Code does not exempt the use of personal judgment and common sense.
In case of doubt about the appropriate course of action, the group sets up support and advice tools. Compliance with the code of conduct is a condition of employment for any employee of the group who will not tolerate any violation thereof. The code is given to all employees who join our group and distributed to all employees. Each employee must read it, understand it and respect it.