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Building energy performance, low-carbon mobility, IT uses, and equipment: SOMFY uses material and human levers to limit its operations’ impact on the planet. Its roadmap combines daily eco-actions and structural investments.

Reducing energy consumption

In response to the energy crisis, all Group sites are committed to reducing their energy consumption. They do this by limiting the inside building temperature, turning off the heating earlier to take advantage of inertia, and turning off outdoor lighting at night.

In Southern Europe, 80% of sites have a green energy contract for electricity and gas. Spain was the pilot in this process, followed by Italy and Greece. At the same time, building performance has been optimized by paying particular attention to insulation. The new offices are built using new, more energy-efficient specifications, as in Spain and Israel, where SOMFY has just acquired new facilities. These new buildings have been equipped with group solutions to reduce energy consumption. Spain is also implementing an additional initiative for mandatory teleworking on Fridays. Offices are closed three days straight, which is an excellent way to save energy

Aurélie Zilber, BA Southern Europe

Using computer equipment more efficiently

Because IT equipment is the largest energy consumer, SOMFY encourages virtuous practices such as turning off the equipment at the end of the day, optimizing replacement rates, and using a carbon footprint indicator for each device, including its repairability index.

633 kg CO2 eq. carbone was the digital carbon footprint of a SOMFY user in 2021. To lower it, the IT department has established a genuine strategy for digital sufficiency. In particular, it is based on extending employees’ IT equipment renewal period and rolling out an IT carbon reporting tool to measure and monitor actions. At the same time, awareness-raising actions are implemented to help everyone challenge their digital uses. A day of action and awareness is organized annually during Cyber World CleanUp Day, during which a collection of faulty professional and personal computer equipment is organized. The 2022 edition resulted in saving 18.5 tonsCO2 eq. Carbone.

David Lyonnaz Perroux and Justine Tavernier, SOMFY Group, France

Opting for more economical transportation

SOMFY offers eco-driving courses, contributes financially to sustainable mobility, encourages carpooling with a dedicated app, and has installed electric charging stations. To update the carbon footprint and monitor changes in employee habits, SOMFY conducted an international Eco-Mobility survey of 6,300 employees.

At the Nanxun site in China, SOMFY encourages electric mobility and telecommuting. The Group has installed four charging stations and has a fleet of 118 electric scooters available to employees. Habits are changing, as shown, for example, by the growing number of employees who own an electric vehicles. During the annual Sustainable Development Day, awareness-raising activities were offered on low-carbon transport modes, a quiz measured participants’ knowledge of sustainable development, and a booth was dedicated to electric scooters to encourage their purchase. Telecommuting has become a common practice that directly improves employees’ carbon footprint.

Jessica Ge, , SOMFY Nanxun, China

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